




messere“Rino Marchese is the classical exemple of producer with whom lot of bands want to work. Open minded, seraphic nature, good technical and artistic knowledge of sound (recording and editing), Rino keeps in mind what is important to prepare a band for the studio from the very beginning.
First comes a psychological preparation and only later on the technical one. On the other hand he has a strong instinct that allows him to find quickly, mixing and arrangement solutions.
His musical culture, together with his experiences as bass player in several bands (pop to wave, blues to psychedelic and grunge), let him have a wide perspective on the target that a production should reach, in the Italian and also international music panorama.
He is very dedicated and organized while working in studio, as I saw when we has worked together for many projects of my label (Seahorse Recordings).
Rino is a Trapanese with a strong but gentle personality, that classical gentless that is typical of the Sicilian people and, even more, of the Trapanese’s.

Paolo Messere ( Producer)